Data Tutashkhia

Data Tutashkhia is the protagonist of Chabua Amirejibi's epic novel, named after the hero of pagan Georgian mythology, Tutashkhia.

Early orphaned, Data Tutashkhia grew up in the family of a simple but very educated deacon, where in addition to his two children, three adopted children were also raised. It was here, in the house of "love and virtue," that the foundations of the morals of Data Tutashkhia and his brother, whose relationship forms the main plot line of the story, were laid. An absurd accident has forced Datu into exile, and in his constant escape from the guardians of the law, he sets out to eradicate evil and improve the world.

Data Tutashkhia's entire life is a continuing struggle against the evil that surrounds him, from its minor expressions to its brutal atrocities. For him, there was only one law: his own understanding of good and evil. In his youth, he defended the weak and helped the disadvantaged, hoping that they, in turn, would help others, but he quickly discovered the undesirable and, at times, cruel consequences of his noble actions. And then Data Tutashkhia decided that the human race was not worthy of his help and stopped intervening in the affairs of others. But as time passed, Data's spiritual searching led him to new conclusions and he again began to fight against evil, destroying it with violence, which again did not lead to the desired result. His moral quest eventually leads Dato to the path of self-sacrifice when he realizes that it is impossible to destroy evil with violence, that it must be transformed into good. And this can only be done by one who is able to sacrifice himself for his neighbor.

"I entered life as an arrogant and self-absorbed prideful man... And so I remained for many years, which is why I became an abrek. As time passed, I received the blows of life with immeasurable rudeness and merciless whipping. But my willful temper was not the only reason ... since childhood I could not stand it when one man trampled on another man, humiliated his dignity and honor. To have compassion on someone who was in trouble, to give him a helping hand... And for that to get bruises and abrasions... And if in my youth I could not bear hitting myself, then in my maturity I could not bear hitting others, humiliation and dishonor. I was ready to die ... but only to triumph over a man who lived by violence and anger ...". "I am a son of my people. And I would like to do something for my people. I cannot look at my homeland in cold blood from the sidelines!" (excerpt from the novel "Data Tutashkhia")
"Data Tutashkhia" 2019. Paper, tempera. 78.8х50
"... And it was given to man:
Conscience, that he himself might expose his faults.
Strength, that he might overcome them;
Intelligence and goodness for his own good and the good of his neighbors,
for only that which is good will benefit his fellow man."
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