Sheikh Mansur

Sheikh Mansur (Ushurma) was the first imam of the Caucasus, a military, religious and political leader of the Caucasian highlanders in the late 18th century. He was born in 1760 in the village of Aldy. Thirsty for knowledge young Ushurma's nature, active search for humanistic ideals, lead the aldynian to realize the injustice of the world order and imperfection of human relations. Ushurma leaves Aldy for a while and becomes a hermit.
"I am Ushurma, son of Shabazz - I am not an angel, not a prophet and not a saint, but one of those whom Allah has favored with true faith. I am a slave of Allah, who recognizes no other slavery than this" - with these words Mansur's first public speeches with religious preaching to the inhabitants of his native village began in the spring of 1785. His uncommon eagerness in the preaching of his faith, his brilliant eloquence, and his righteous life attracted thousands of people from Chechnya and the neighboring regions to his preaching. Mansur's sermons were dominated by ideas of Shari'a norms and spiritual purification. He urged against blood feuds, mutual quarrels and murders. He categorically prohibited raids, thefts, and the use of alcohol and tobacco. And the people declared him a sheikh, giving him the name Mansur (Arabic for "victor").
Mansur was one of the first to understand the need for unity of the peoples of the Caucasus in the struggle for independence. He also put an end to the consolidation of Chechens from the Assa River to Aksai and Aktash, from the tops of the main Caucasian mountain range to the Terek. Sheikh Mansur set a difficult but noble goal - on the principles of Islam to unite all the highland peoples of the Caucasus into one state, into the "kingdom of the Prophet". Around the glorious Imam with the reputation of a preacher began to group numerous units, which by the end of 1785 made up an army of up to ten thousand men. And from 1785 to 1791 Sheikh Mansur has led numerous uprisings and campaigns of highlanders against the tsarist forces. This was the first mass armed uprising of the peoples of the Northern Caucasus against the tsarist regime and had a great historical significance.
In 1791, exhausted by a wound, Mansur was captured by the tsarist troops during their attack on the Turkish fortress of Anapa (Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791). On the personal instruction of Russian Empress Catherine the Great, Sheikh Mansur was transported to St. Petersburg and then imprisoned in the Shlisselburg fortress. Here he became seriously ill and died on April 13, 1794.
"Not blood and revenge, but goodness and freedom
for all people on earth the great Imam Mansur wanted.
It is only a pity that his time was too cruel".
(Musayev A.N.)
"Warrior, preacher, prophet."
(M.N. Pokrovsky)
"Sheikh Mansur. The First Imam of the North Caucasus." 2020г. Paper, tempera. 97.4х62.9. Poster.
"Sheikh Mansur (Ushurma)." 2018г. Paper, tempera. 63х44.4
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