Baysangur of Benoy

Hidden among the forests, the little village of Benoy was the cradle of many rebellions in Chechnya. There was even a saying that, when exhausted warriors needed help to fight the enemy, they invoked the Almighty with the words: "O give us the Benoy army to help us!" It was believed that nothing could stop a flaming Benoyevian even with a cannon.

It was here, in 1794, that a boy, whose name was given to Baysangur, was born. Very little is known about his life till 1839. But it is obvious - he could not stay aside from the struggle for freedom, in which members of the Benoy society took an active part, in the liberation wars at the time of Beibulat Taimiev. According to some information, in 1834, he joined the national liberation movement of the mountaineers of Dagestan and Chechnya.
An active participant in the Caucasian War, Baisangur was Shamil's naib and with his detachment of people of Benoy took part in many battles, leading them into battle under his red banner, he headed the society of Benoy the rest of his days.

Legendary Baysangur at the age of 51 in the summer of 1845 lost his hand in battle, but even then did not stop being a soldier. According to the elders, the one-armed Baisangur had such skill and strength that he could cut his enemies in two with his saber. Some time after losing his arm, he lost an eye in battle as well. Two years later, in one of the battles, the leg of the Chechen naib was torn off by a cannon ball, and the 53-year-old commander was taken as a prisoner. The news that the naib of Shamil was taken prisoner quickly spread around the mountains, and many highlanders took the news hard. And Shamil personally organized Baisangur's escape: during the transportation of the naib to the prison hospital, he was freed from captivity.
His iron will inspired strength in the wounded Baysangur, and soon he was back in the saddle, dashing into the thick of the enemy with a saber at his side. According to legend, he was tied to a horse so that he would not fall from the saddle during a gallop, and, holding the reins in his teeth, he snatched his only hand with his sabre and fought fiercely.
After Shamil surrendered, Baisangur broke out of the encirclement and withdrew to his native Benoy, where he hid from the tsarist authorities until May 1860, at the same time he began preparing with the leaders of other Chechen societies a new rebellion. However, the rebellion was suppressed by tsarist detachments, and on February 17, in a clash near the place called Bena-Duk, near Benoy, his horse was killed, and the naib himself and his sons were captured and handed over to a court martial.
"He is neither a fighter nor a brave man,
who, going into battle, is sad about the outcome"
(Vainakh proverb)
"Baysangur of Benoy. A Man of Stone." 2020. Paper, tempera. 93.8x64.5. Poster.
"Baysangur of Benoу" 2017. Paper, tempera. 58.2х47.7
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