Taymaskha Gekhinskaya

The name of young Taymaskha Gekhinskaya, the legendary Chechen cavalry, famous Chechen woman and commander of the Chechen Murid detachment, became prominent during the Caucasian War.

According to some legends, Taymaskhi's parents were expecting the birth of a boy. They had already thought up the name Taimaskhan for him. When a girl was born, she was named after a slightly modified male name, which was unusual for a woman. And, perhaps, it was a man's name that determined the fate of the newborn. Her life fell on the difficult years of the Caucasian War, when the Chechens were fighting against the tsarist authorities for their freedom and religion. Taimaskha's older brother fell in battle with tsarist troops. So, in the early 1830s, the girl went to war on her own instead of him. The Chechen custom permitted her - female relatives can also take revenge on a fallen relative if they wish. It was the warriors who chose her as the leader of the detachment, convinced of her fearlessness. Together with them, Taimaskha has had victories and losses. Largely due to her courage and skillful leadership for 10 years the Gehinskaya detachment could not be defeated by the tsarist troops. In 1842, in a battle near the tract of Big Yandyrka, a Chechen woman, seriously wounded and unconscious, as well as 23 other Chechens, was taken as prisoner.

She was taken to St. Petersburg, where Gekhinskaya spent three weeks. There she was to meet the Emperor. Nicholas the First was impressed by the Chechen girl's courage and beauty, and so generously rewarded her: a precious gold chain with a medallion was presented to Taimaskha Gekhinskaya by the Emperor's wife, Alexandra Fedorovna.
Some time later Taimaskha was delivered to the Grozny fortress. Although Taimaskha's native village of Gehi was not far away, they would not let her go home. And she wrote a request, saying that she and her family were poor and she did not want to sell the chain given to her by the king's wife to just anyone, so she wished to return it and have it paid for by the treasury. The emperor decided to leave the chain with Taimaskha and to give her 200 rubles from the treasury. Eventually she was allowed to return to her native village.
On April 24, 1845, a request came to the fortress from the headquarters of the Caucasus Line about the woman's further fate. The answer was: "Taimaskha Molova lives with her father in the village of Gehi. She sometimes comes to the fortress".
"Taimaskha Gehinskaya" 2017. Paper, tempera. 67.2х46
And, staying faithful to your duty sacredly,
In the fate flaming with a ring of fire
In the hour of trial you were standing near
With sons, husband, brother and father.
(U. Yarichev)
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